Reach new audiences with expert podcast creation with an unmatched multichannel distribution strategy.


Work with our expert team of producers to create a podcast roadmap, messaging, and vision for your overall strategy.
Choose the best 4-pack of podcasts that fit your needs:

  ♦ In-person recorded package 
  ♦ Remotely recorded package
  ♦ Client-provided audio package.

Every new podcast series comes with a Launch Package, which includes the production of a teaser episode, creative design of podcast graphics, and art templates for each episode.
Publishing of each episode on all the major platforms: Spotify, Apple, Amazon, Google Play, and Deezer.


Add on a multichannel distribution option to any podcast for increased exposure and amplification. Distribution includes:

Podcast Tour Hub custom landing page to host each episode of your podcast.
National distribution of your podcast via PR Newswire’s unmatched US1 wire.
Social media promotion via PR Newswire’s Facebook & Twitter professionally curated pages.
Placement on Associated Press Audio Hub.
Native Ad promotion with 50k guaranteed impressions to targeted audiences.

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