MultiVu Dashboard


The MultiVu Dashboard

The MultiVu team understands the value of data in guiding business decisions and evaluating marcomms objectives. It is essential to our clients’ bottom lines to know where, when, and whom you are reaching and if you’re effectively engaging your desired markets. Our goal is always to work with your brand to achieve impactful outreach.

This is why we are so excited to have our proprietary reporting platform, MultiVu Dashboard. Currently, MultiVu Dashboard is the reporting HQ for our digital product suite, and our vision is to make this a one-stop-shop for all of our products and services.

What will be on my Dashboard report?

What will be on my Dashboard report?

Great question! Dashboard reporting will provide key metrics for the Multichannel News Release. We’ll show you where your content is living and who has viewed and/or interacted with it so that you are able to report on the ROI of each of your campaigns. Dashboard provides you with a comprehensive analysis, including demographics, impressions, views, airings, and more depending on your content distribution strategy.

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