Beef On Dairy is a producer-led practice of crossbreeding beef cattle genetics to dairy cows. Through ‘beef on dairy’ crossbreeding, offspring destined for the fed beef market become more efficient and robust when compared to purebred dairy calves. In addition to providing economic and production efficiencies, ‘beef on dairy’ can also provide environmental benefits, resulting from feed efficiency, as well as animal health benefits from hybrid vigor.
"By doubling productivity of the dairy segment and improving sustainability of the beef sector through ‘beef on dairy’ crossbreeding, one beef on dairy cow produces enough milk for 2,200 lbs. of cheese per year and births a beef calf resulting in an 875-lb. carcass."
Jerry Wulf
"My belief is that crossbred calves will always be more valuable than dairy animals being sold for beef."
Brian Fiscalini, 4th generation family farmer
"We started genomic testing all young animals in 2012 to strategize both how many heifers we needed as well as which animals we wanted to get our next generations of genetics from. The balance of the cows or heifers were bred to Angus to create a nice crossbred calf. It was an opportunity to keep milking cows longer while adding value to their offspring whether for my replacement use or a “better” beef calf."
Simon Vander Woude, Vander Woude Dairies
Mike Kondrath
[email protected]
Emily Johannes
[email protected]