3 organizations leading the way on food rescue
General Mills partners with organizations who are working to prevent food waste
Hear how @FareShareUK, @FeedingAmerica and @CampusKitchens are working to rescue millions of pounds of food every year #podcast Tweet
Minneapolis, August 2, 2017
More than ever, people around the world are taking notice of the large amount of food wasted every day.
Look around … where ever food is grown, processed, transported, prepared, sold and eaten, there’s food waste.
But people and organizations are taking action in some pretty powerful ways to change the trajectory of the food waste trend around the globe.
As a global food company, General Mills is deeply committed to ensuring that food systems are sustainable. In recognition of Global Food Rescue Month, the latest “A Taste of General Mills” podcast spotlights the outstanding programs of FareShare, Feeding America and The Campus Kitchens Project.
To view the full article and listen to the podcast, visit: https://blog.generalmills.com/2017/08/3-organizations-leading-the-way-on-food-rescue